Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is an elegant management tool to produce fundamental and intelligent financial decisions and actions which shape and guide what an association is, what it does, and why it does it, with an exclusive focus on the future. Strategic planning and decision processes must end with objectives and a roadmap of the ways to achieve those objectives. Strategic Planning in the public sector areas such as education.

Strategic Business Planning
There are a variety of approaches, perspectives, and models used in the organizational strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is developed depends upon the nature of the organization's leadership, its work culture, its size, expertise of the planners, and complexity of the organization's environment, etc. Goals-based strategic planning is perhaps the most common, and starts with focus on the organization's mission, goals to work towards the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning as to who will do what and by when. * Monthly Financial Statements and Custom Reporting.

Associate With Us provides the following services under the strategic planning:

* Formal Strategic Planning Facilitation
* Committee and Leadership Development
* Business and Tactical Plan Development
* Budget Development and Resource Allocation Review

Associate With Us  
Aggarwal Complex,
301, Third Floor, Building No-C-1
Local Shopping Centre, A-1/B
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
Tel : 0091-11-45199100 / 25513051 / 25521108
Fax : 0091-11-25513052
Mobile : 0091-9810083980
Email : info@associatewithus.com & shyam@trvlwithus.com
Chat : saigalji@hotmail.com, saigalji@yahoo.com
Skype : saigalji
Website: www.associatewithus.com  

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